Command line

arara is a command line tool. It can be used in a plethora of command interpreter implementations, from bash to a Windows prompt, provided that the Java runtime environment is accessible within the current session. This chapter covers the user interface design, as well as options (also known as flags or switches) that modify the underlying application behaviour.

User interface design

The goal of a user interface design is to make the interaction as simple and efficient as possible. Good user interface design facilitates finishing the task at hand without drawing unnecessary attention to itself. We redesigned the interface in order to look more pleasant to the eye, after all, we work with TeX and friends:

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _
 / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` |
| (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_|  \__,_|

Processing 'doc5.tex' (size: 285 B, last modified: 03/01/2020
19:25:40), please wait.

(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS
(BibTeX) The BibTeX reference management software ....... SUCCESS
(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS
(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS

Total: 1.14 seconds

First of all, we have the nice application logo, displayed using ASCII art. The entire layout is based on monospaced font spacing, usually used in terminal prompts. Hopefully you follow the conventional use of a monospaced font in your terminal, otherwise the visual effect will not be so pleasant. First and foremost, arara displays details about the file being processed, including size and modification status:

Processing 'doc5.tex' (size: 285 B, last modified: 03/01/2020
19:25:40), please wait.

The list of tasks was also redesigned to be fully justified, and each entry displays both task and subtask names (the former being displayed enclosed in parentheses), besides of course the usual execution result:

(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS
(BibTeX) The BibTeX reference management software ....... SUCCESS
(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS
(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. SUCCESS

As previously mentioned in Important concepts, if a task fails, arara will halt the entire execution at once and immediately report back to the user. This is an example of how a failed task looks like:

(PDFLaTeX) PDFLaTeX engine .............................. FAILURE

Also, observe that our tool displays the execution time before terminating, in seconds. The execution time has a very simple precision, as it is meant to be easily readable, and should not be considered for command profiling.

Total: 1.14 seconds

The tool has two execution modes: silent, which is the default, and verbose, which prints as much information about tasks as possible. When in silent mode, arara will simply display the task and subtask names, as well as the execution result. Nothing more is added to the output. For instance:

(BibTeX) The BibTeX reference management software ....... SUCCESS

When executed in verbose mode, arara will display the underlying system command output as well, when applied. In version 4.0 of our tool, this mode was also entirely redesigned in order to avoid unnecessary clutter, so it would be easier to spot each task. For instance:

(BibTeX) The BibTeX reference management software

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2020)
The top-level auxiliary file: doc5.aux
The style file: plain.bst
Database file #1: mybib.bib

--------------------------------------------------------- SUCCESS

It is important to observe that, when in verbose mode, arara can offer proper interaction if the system command requires user intervention. However, when in silent mode, the tool will simply discard this requirement and the command will almost surely fail.


In order to run arara on your TeX file, the simplest possible way is to provide the file name to the tool in your favourite command interpreter session, provided that the file has at least one directive:

$ arara doc6.tex

From version 5.0 on, arara may receive more than one file as parameter. It will compile them sequentially (starting with the leftmost). The process fails on the first failure of these executions. For the files to be flawlessly compiled by TeX, they should be in the same working directory. If you process your files with other tools, this requirement could be lifted.

$ arara doc20.tex doc21.tex

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _
 / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` |
| (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_|  \__,_|

Processing 'doc20.tex' (size: 28 B, last modified: 02/28/2020
07:15:02), please wait.

(PDFTeX) PDFTeX engine .................................. SUCCESS

Processing 'doc21.tex' (size: 28 B, last modified: 02/28/2020
07:15:10), please wait.

(PDFTeX) PDFTeX engine .................................. SUCCESS

Total: 1.20 seconds

The tool has a set of command line options (also known as flags or switches) that modify the underlying execution behaviour or enhance the execution workflow. If you do not provide any parameters, arara will display the tool usage and the available options:

$ arara
Usage: arara [OPTIONS] file...

    __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _
   / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` |
  | (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| |
   \__,_|_|  \__,_|_|  \__,_|

  The cool TeX automation tool.

  arara executes the TeX workflow you tell it to execute. Simply specify your
  needs within your TeX file and let arara do the work. These directives
  feature conditional execution and parameter expansion.

  -l, --log                        Generate a log output
  -v, --verbose / -s, --silent     Print the command output
  -n, --dry-run                    Go through all the motions of running a
                                   command, but with no actual calls
  -S, --safe-run                   Run in safe mode and disable potentially
                                   harmful features. Make sure your projects
                                   uses only allowed features.
  -w, --whole-file                 Extract directives in the file, not only in
                                   the header
  -p, --preamble TEXT              Set the file preamble based on the
                                   configuration file
  -t, --timeout INT                Set the execution timeout (in milliseconds)
  -L, --language TEXT              Set the application language
  -m, --max-loops INT              Set the maximum number of loops (> 0)
  -d, --working-directory PATH     Set the working directory for all tools
  -P, --call-property VALUE        Pass parameters to the application to be
                                   used within the session.
  --generate-completion [bash|zsh|fish]
                                   Generate a completion script for arara. Add
                                   'source <(arara --generate-completion
                                   <shell>)' to your shell's init file.
  -V, --version                    Show the version and exit
  -h, --help                       Show this message and exit

  file  The file(s) to evaluate and process

The available options for our tool are detailed as follows. Each option contains short and long variations, which are denoted by -o and --option in the command line, respectively. Additionally, when a parameter is required by the current option, it will be denoted by parameter in the description.

You can combine options, use long or short variations interchangeably and write them in any order, provided that a file name is given at some point in the command line, otherwise the usage will be printed. Use the provided features in order to enhance and optimize your automation workflow.

File name lookup

arara, as a command line application, provides support for a restricted range of file types. In particular, the tool recognizes five file types based on their extensions. These types are presented as follows, as well as the lookup order: tex dtx ltx drv ins.

Note that other extensions can be added through a proper mapping in the configuration file, as well as modifying the lookup order. This feature is detailed later on. arara employs the following scheme for file name lookup:

It is highly recommended to use complete file names with our tool, in order to ensure the correct file is being processed. If your command line interpreter features tab completion, you can use it to automatically fill partially typed file names from your working directory.

Exit status support
arara follows the good practices of software development and provides three values for exit status, so our tool can be programmatically used in scripts and other complex workflows: 0 successful execution, 1 one of the rules failed, and 2 an exception was raised.

Please refer to the documentation of your favourite command line interpreter to learn more about exit status captures. Programming languages also offer methods for retrieving such information.